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Do not forget to search these things on Google! Otherwise you will reach jail

Do not forget to search these things on Google! Otherwise you will reach jail

Google Search: In today’s era, internet has become an important part of our life. If there is any information, then first of all we resort to Google. But do you know that there are some things that searching on Google can bring you directly to jail? In many cases, wrong search on Google can cause legal trouble. Therefore, it is important to know which things should not be searched by forgetting Google.

Information related to bomb making or terrorist activities

If you search on Google’s way of making bombs, information of terrorist organizations or any subject related to them, then security agencies immediately become alert. Such activities are considered treason and due to this you can get jail.

Child pornography or illegal content

Searching child pornography or objectionable video on Google is a legal offense. There is a strict ban on this in many countries including India. If you download or share any such material, you can prosecute you under the IT Act 2000 and can also be sentenced to jail.

Hacking and cybercrime related things

If you search on Google like “how to hack someone’s Facebook account” or “How to steal Wi-Fi password”, then it comes under the purview of cybercrime. Cyber ​​police monitor such activities and you may be jailed when caught.

Purchase of drugs or illegal weapons

If you find information related to shopping of drugs, weapons or anything on Google, then it is illegal. The Narcotics Department and the police monitors such cases, and there may be a long punishment when caught.

Searching a person’s personal information

If you try to remove a person’s mobile number, home address or bank details, then it is considered a crime. Violation of one’s privacy, you can get jail under the IT Act 2000.

Google makes our life easier, but the search of wrong things can bring you to jail. Therefore, use Google carefully and use the Internet only by staying within the legal realm.

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