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iOS devices are more vulnerable to hacking, being targeted more than Android

iOS devices are more vulnerable to hacking, being targeted more than Android

Apple’s iPhones are considered more secure than Android phones due to their closed ecosystem. However, a recent analysis has revealed that iOS is being targeted more than Android. Even though iOS is more secure, scammers have their eyes set on it too. A new study from Lookout, a Boston-based data-centric cloud security company, says that iOS devices are more vulnerable to phishing and other cyber attacks than Android.

More attacks on iOS devices than Android

Millions of Android and iOS devices were included in this study conducted in the third quarter of 2024. It revealed that during the first three quarters of 2024, 19 percent of enterprise iOS devices experienced at least one phishing attack. In comparison, only 10.9% of enterprise Androids were subjected to phishing attacks. Most of these phishing attacks took place through email. 

Although the operating system does not play much role in phishing attacks, but it is also a matter of concern that Apple is at the top among the companies which share the data of their users with the governments. That means Apple is at the forefront in giving user data to governments.

The danger is continuously increasing 

Lookout said that the threat of mobile threat is continuously increasing. Cyber ​​criminals are now changing their strategy and launch their initial attacks on mobile devices. Experts say that in the era of AI, this threat will continue to increase and scammers will try to target those people who are not aware of technology.

Protect yourself from phishing attacks like this

– Keep software and operating system updated.
– Be cautious of suspicious emails and do not share your sensitive information.
– Do not click on attachments in any luring mail. p>

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