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Is the old smartphone slow? Do not take tension, these tips will make superfast!

Is the old smartphone slow? Do not take tension, these tips will make superfast!

It is common for the old Smartphone to slow down. Many times, due to lack of operating system, the speed of the phone gets slow or sometimes due to the storage full, such a problem occurs. Running the slow phone seems to be a lot of hassle and the work that is played is prolonged. Today we are going to tell you some such tips, due to which the old phone will also start running superfast.


The easiest way to speed up the speed of slow phone is to restart it. Actually, by restarting the phone, the memory becomes clear and all the apps and process running in the background are closed. With this, the phone starts working fast for some time.

remove unnecessary apps

If your phone is slow, then one reason for this may also be more apps in it. In such a situation, you can delete the apps you do not use. By doing this, the storage of the phone will also be empty and these apps will not affect the processing power while walking in the background. This is another way to speed up the phone.

apps update

After removing non-essential apps, now only those apps are left in your phone, which you need regularly. Now update all these apps. By updating, the bugs in the apps are removed and the experience of using them is also better.

Keep storage empty

The speed of the phone also affects the phone’s speed. Look at every folder of your phone and delete the files, photos or videos that are not needed. Keep in mind that during this time no necessary files, photos or screenshots are deleted. You can also increase the speed of your phone by clearing cash.

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