In Saudi Arabia, now WhatsApp users will be able to make videos and voice calls. According to media reports, after about 6 years, the ban on WhatsApp video and voice calls has been lifted here. Although no official confirmation has been made, but many users have said that they are now getting video and voice calls through this app owned by Mata. Many people are also surprised at this decision because no information was revealed about it earlier.
Due to this, the ban was imposed
Whatsapp, the world’s most popular messaging app, introduced voice of voice in 2015 and video calls in 2016. In 2019, Saudi Arabia banned both these features due to the regulatory policy. Through this, people were not able to use these features. Now these restrictions have been relaxed. Experts say that Saudi Arabia is trying to strengthen its telecommunication and digital infrastructure so that people across the country can get better facilities. This ban has been lifted under it.
People were shocked
People are also surprised by Saudi Arabia’s sudden removal of this ban. They are discussing this on social media. People have welcomed this decision, but still remain uncertain that this decision has been taken as a Test or now this feature will not be banned again. Nothing has been said about this from WhatsApp. Some reports have said that this is a technical update rather than a change in the policy. Last year too, there were some reports of the ban being removed, but a ministry of Saudi Arabia rejected them as a rumor.
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