Part Time Job Cyber Fraud: Cases of cyber fraud are increasing rapidly all over the world including India. Cyber fraudsters are also targeting people who want part-time jobs and post about it on social media. Cyber fraudsters take advantage of this opportunity to get details of people and then call them pretending to be from a recruitment agency or the HR manager of a company. After this, due to one mistake of the person, they empty his entire bank account.
Recently, Delhi Police also shared a post on the social media platform X. Police alerted that avoid clicking on any unknown part-time job link as it may be a link to malware that knows the account and personal details.
How do cyber thugs connect with people?
Actually, such cyber thugs are very active on social media and keep looking for such opportunities. If a person likes or posts a post about a part-time job, cyber thugs reach his social media account and contact you through Instagram, LinkedIn, WhatsApp or any other platform.
This is how they carry out the fraud
Cyber criminals talk to you nicely and then ask you to install their app on your smartphone. As soon as you install the app on your phone, your personal and financial information comes to them. After that, they empty your account. In such a situation, it is important that you stay away from such criminals and avoid clicking on any such link. Apart from this, in case of cyber fraud, immediately inform the police about it.
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