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Stay alert on Valentine’s Day! Online dating may fall heavy, many scams are running

Stay alert on Valentine’s Day! Online dating may fall heavy, many scams are running

On February 14, there is Valentine’s Day and if you are planning online dating on this occasion, then you need to be careful. Actually, for some time, there has been a flood of fake dating apps, deepfac videos and other scams. Because of this, it has become difficult for people to identify that the person they are talking about is a person or a chatbot running from AI.

Dating on chatbott!

A MCAFEE report has revealed that 61 percent of Indians believe that it is possible to awaken romantic feelings towards AI chatbott. Similarly, 51 percent of Indians have told that they have had to be two-four from AI Chatbot, who presented themselves like humans on dating platforms and social media. About 38 people have expressed fear that the emotional bond towards AI chatbott is more likely to get stuck in the scam.

Now Indians are looking for love on social media

Apps like Tinder and Bumble are popular in India for dating, but people are now looking for love on social media too. Now people are searching for themselves on platforms like Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram and Snapchat. Scammers are also taking advantage of this and are implicating people in their web by creating fake profiles. According to the report, 69 percent of Indians have faced AI-generated profiles or photos on social media or dating platforms.

Scams are also increasing in the name of celebrity

These days scams are also increasing in the name of celebrity. 42 percent of Indians said that scammers who have described them or people who know them as celebrities have contacted. By getting caught in this trap, people are facing financial loss of millions and the theft of data as well as mental stress.

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