Telegram has brought a new feature for its users. This feature has been introduced to prevent wrong information and protect users from scams. In this, official third-party services will be able to place extra verification icons on user accounts and chats. This is different from the company’s already running verification process, in which verification badges are given to public figures and companies. The new feature will make it easier for users to identify trustworthy accounts and will be able to avoid fraud.
What will be in the new feature?
After the introduction of the new feature, trusted third-party services have also got an additional verification option. Now a small logo will appear in front of the name of the account or chat which is verified by the third-party service. Apart from this, detailed explanation of the status of the account will be available on the profile related to it. This means that users will now have more information than ever before to find out about a verified service.
Only verified third party will be able to do the verification
Telegram has said that only that third-party service will be able to provide verification badge, which itself is already verified. For this he will also have to complete an application process. In the first update of the year, Telegram has brought this feature along with collectible gifts, reactions to service messages, extra message search filters and many other updates.
Telegram was going to release all these updates on the last day of 2024, but could not do so. Explaining the reason behind this, the company said that Apple’s review team did not review them on time, due to which this update came after a few days. Let us tell you that Telegram has 9.5 crore monthly active users and it is one of the 10 most popular social media platforms in the world.
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