Online messaging platform Telegram has been fined crores of rupees. In fact, last year, Australia’s online Safety Commission sent notices to Telegram, WhatsApp, Google, Reddit and X. In this notice, information about the steps was sought from all the platforms, which he had raised on his sites to stop the radical content. Telegram has not answered these questions within the stipulated time, due to which he has been fined.
What is the matter?
In March last year, the Essefety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant sent a transparency reporting notice to social media companies. The notice also sought information about the rules made to prevent the content related to sexual harassment of children from Telegram and Redit, especially on their platforms. All other companies had filed their answers till the deadline of May, 2024, but Telegram could not do so. Telegram submitted his reply with a delay of 5 months, due to which he has suffered a fine of Rs 8.5 crore.
Grant said this
The commissioner Grant said that this fine will send important messages in the industry that it is not an alternative need to show transparency on time and they have to follow the laws of the country. He further said that Telegram took 160 days to respond to this notice. The commission work has been affected due to this information late. He said that the society is threatened by the terrorist and extremeist content and hence these companies will have to come forward and stop the misuse of their service.
Telegram said this
Telegram has opposed the decision to impose a fine and said that he has answered all the questions. The company spokesman said that this fine has been imposed only due to delay in time and an appeal will be made against it.
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