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The person filed a case on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, saying- ‘It hurts my mind…’

The person filed a case on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, saying- ‘It hurts my mind…’

A person has filed a case against social media platforms TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook. The person says that all these social media platforms spoil his mind. All these platforms are like an addiction for him, which have a bad effect on mental health.

In fact, a person living in Montreal, Canada has filed a case against social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, TikTok. The person alleges that these apps are having a negative impact on his mental health. The person says that he started using social media in 2015.

Decrease in the person’s ability to work

Now the person’s working capacity has declined and his physical health has also deteriorated. According to reports, the person used to use social media platforms 24 hours a day. But later due to the effect on the brain, he reduced the time spent on social media to 2 hours. But even after this, his mental health was affected and his sleep was getting disturbed. The person has filed this case through a law firm named Lambert Avocats.

The firm took the case because of this

According to Philippe Brault of the law firm, this problem is gradually happening to most people. The firm says that it took this case because this problem is gradually becoming common. According to Philippe, 52 percent of children between the ages of 7 and 11 in Canada use social media. The purpose of this case is to address the problem of these platforms being designed carelessly by companies and keeping people engaged with content for a long time.

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