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YouTube 2 new amazing features, creators will work easy, users will get this facility

YouTube 2 new amazing features, creators will work easy, users will get this facility

YouTube is bringing new features for its users as well as creators. One feature of the company will make it easier for creators to connect with their fans, while the other feature is going to make it easier for users to watch videos. With its help, users will be able to watch the video for less than before. Let us know which two new features are coming and what will they do.

Talk of first communities

YouTube is increasing the scope of its dedicated community space feature communities. In this, creators will be able to connect to their fans only through YouTube and they will not have to depend on any third party platform for this work. The company announced Communities in September last year and now it is available on mobile. Communities allow the feature creator to post image and text and start discussion to their fans. Right now this feature is in the initial stages and creators can access it only through invitation. In the coming days, YouTube can start it for all creators.

Now you will be able to watch videos at 4X speed

YouTube has given its users the facility to watch videos at 4X speed. With this help, users will be able to watch videos quickly. This will make it easier for them to skip introduction, sponsored segment. This feature is available for Android and iOS users. It can be activated by visiting the YouTube experiment page. Keep in mind that at present, this feature is being rolled out for premium subscribers only. To activate 4X playback speed, log in from your premium account on the YouTube experiment page. After this, you have to go to the faster speed experiment and tap on ‘TRAI It Out’. This feature will start appearing in the YouTube app after about an hour after tapping.

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